Section 27 of The Indian Trusts Act, 1882

27. Several liability of co-trustee.—Where co-trustees jointly commit a breach of trust, or where one of them by his neglect enables the other to commit a breach of trust, each is liable to the beneficiary for the whole of the loss occasioned by such breach. Contribution as between co-trustees.—But, as between the trustees themselves, if one be less guilty than another and has had to refund the loss, the former may compel the latter, or his legal representative, to the extent of the assets he has received, to make good such loss; and, if all be equally guilty; any one or more of the trustees who has had to refund the loss may compel the others to contribute. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to authorise a trustee who has been guilty of fraud to institute a suit to compel contribution.

Complete: The Indian Trusts Act, 1882