Constitution of Afghanistan Chapter XII Transitional Provisions [Islamic Republic]

Chapter XII Transitional Provisions

Article 158 [Father of the Nation]

The Title of the Father of the Nation and the privileges granted by the Emergency Grand Council [Loya Jirga] of 1381 (2002) to His Majesty Mohammad Zahir Former King of Afghanistan are preserved for him during his lifetime, in accordance with the provisions of this constitution.

Article 159 [Transitional Period]

(1) The period, following the adoption of this Constitution, until the date of inauguration of the National Assembly, is deemed as a transitional period.
(2) During the transitional period, the Islamic Transitional State of Afghanistan shall carry out the following tasks:
— Issue decrees related to the election of the President, National Assembly and local councils within six months.
— Issue decrees regarding the structure and authorities of the courts and basic administration structures within one year.
— Establish an Independent Electoral Commission.
— Implement the reform of the executive and judiciary.
— Adopt necessary measures for preparing the ground for enforcement of the provisions of this Constitution.

Article 160 [Presidential Election]

(1) The first elected President takes up his or her duties within thirty days after the result of the election has been proclaimed, in accordance with this constitution.
(2) Every effort shall be made to hold the first presidential election and the parliamentary election at the same time.
(3) Until the establishment of the National Assembly, the powers of the National Assemby outlined in this constitution shall be held by the Government. The interim Supreme Court shall be established by Presidential Decree.

Article 161 [Establishing Institutions]

(1) The National Assembly shall exercise its powers immediately after its establishment in accordance with this constitution.
(2) The Government, and the Supreme Court shall be established within thirty days after the first session of the House of Representatives [Wolesi Jirga] is taken place.
(3) The President of the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan shall continue his duties until the elected President has taken up office.
(4) The executive and judicial organs of the State in accordance with provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 157 of this constitution shall continue their duties, until the formation of the Government and the Supreme Court.
(5) The decrees enforced from the beginning of the interim period, shall be submitted to the first session of the National Assembly. These decrees are enforceable until annulment by the National Assembly.

Article 162 [Entry Into Force]

(1) This constitution enters into force upon its approval by the Grand Council [Loya Jirga], and will be signed and proclaimed by the President of the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan.
(2) Upon its enforcement, laws and decrees contrary to the provisions of this constitution are void.
