Afghanistan Law The Law of Firearms, Equipment and Explosive Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Issuance of License and Weapons Distribution


Article 6:

The permit for obtaining, keeping, carrying and use of the firearms for hunting and sport
firearms, shotguns, antique weapons and other ammunitions is distributed by the Ministry of
Interior Affairs in the center.
The permit for obtaining, keeping, carrying and use of the weapons mentioned in the
paragraph 1 of this article in the center, provinces and districts is distributed and registered
by the related security commands according to the guidance of the Ministry of Interior
The issuance of weapons for hunting birds and animals is restricted for ten years after the
endorsement of this Law.
Private Security Companies have to comply with this Law and their activities are organized
according to a separate code.
Obtaining firearms and non-hunting weapons permit

Article: 7

Rightful individuals who are not members of Government forces can obtain firearms and
weapons for self-protection and safekeeping of their property according to paragraph 2 of
article 4 in this Law.
Sale and Purchase of Firearms and Hunting Weapons

Article 8:

Rightful individuals who have trade permits can sell and purchase hunting weapons,
shotguns, non-military firearms and antique weapons after obtaining the permit from the
Ministry of Interior Affairs.
