Types of Freedom Deprivation Quarters:

Article 6:

According to this law Freedom deprivation quarters are as following:

1 – Detention center.

2 – Prison.

Definition of Freedom Deprivation Quarters:

Article 7:

(1) Detention center: It is a place where the accused individuals awaiting their trial are held.

(2) Prison: it is a place where individuals after the final decision of the court are held.

Confinement and Control of Individuals at the Prison

Article 8:

(1) If the control of suspects and accused individuals due to insecurity factors and problems of discipline and order is not possible in the detention center, with the proposal of the police or attorney respecting, item 2 article 9 of this law he / she will be held in the prison

(2) Prisons superintendents are required to keep the persons mentioned in paragraph (1) of this article separate from prisoners. (The sentence ((as far as possible)) was omitted).

Separation of Male, Female Detention Centers and Prisons:

Article 9:

(1) Men’s and women’s detention centers and prisons shall be separated.

(2) In case, it is not possible to have separate detention centers and prisons for men and women, they shall be held in separate sections of detention centers and prisons.

(3) The accused individuals and prisoners above 18 and below 25 shall be held separately in detention centers and prisons. If it is not possible, such persons shall be held in separate sections of the detention centers and prisons.

(4) The provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) of this article with regard to holding children and adolescents separately from adults shall be observed as well.

Observance of Order and Security:

Article 10:

If the accused and prisoner due to their misconduct and improper behavior cause problems to the rest of the accused and prisoners and the administrations of the detention centers and prisons, they shall be kept in detention centers and prisons with better security. Condition

Disabled and Ailing Prisoners:

Article 11:

The mentally ill, physically disable and pregnant women prisoners shall be kept in the health centers of the detention centers and prisons. In the absence of such health centers, such persons shall be kept in the special medical rooms of the detention centers and prisons.
