Specifications of Prison Buildings:

Article 23:

(1) Detention centers and prisons shall be built in accordance with the Islamic principles and United Nations standard principles and terms.

(2) Ministry of Justice is required to (the word gradually was omitted) adjust the existing detention centers and prisons construction with the United Nations norms and standards.

Living Conditions:

Article 24:

(1) The administrations of detention centers and prisons are required to supply proper hygienic and heating equipment to the detention centers and prisons and observe environmental sanitation.

(2) The administrations of detention centers and prisons shall provide each one of the detainees and prisoners and the children of the female detainees with a bed and bedding.

(3) The Ministry of Justice in collaboration with the Ministry of Health shall take necessary measures regarding the size of (space for) the cells, amount of light provided to the cells and ventilation of detention centers and prisons.


Article 25:

(1) Keeping in mind their age, gender, health, work, and climate, the administrations of detention centers and prisons shall provide proper and healthy food and water to the detainees and prisoners.

(2) Keeping in mind the recommendation of the Ministry of Health and in accordance with the menu approved by the Council of Ministers, the amount and quality of food shall be determined.

Sports and Physical Exercise:

Article 26

(1) Prisoners have the right to walk out door and open air at least for 2 hours daily.

(2) Or practice physical exercises. (Athletic exercise) The warden of the prison can reduce this duration of time to not less than one hour in exceptional circumstances. In this case, the correction officers of the prison are required to inform the concerned attorney’s office of his action.

Health Services:

Article 27:

(1) In collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the administrations of detention centers and prisons are required to provide the detainees and prisoners with free health services.

(2) If the treatment of an ailing detainee or prisoner is not possible at the health clinic of a detention center or prison, the head of the detention center or the prison can transfer the patient to a hospital outside the detention center or prison on the basis of the recommendation of the doctor-in-charge. The head of the detention center or prison shall inform the concerned attorney’s office of his action in this respect.

With coordination and assistance of chief of police, the head of the detention center or the prison is responsible to take precautionary measures to ensure security of the prisoners.

(3) In order to observe the sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, the doctor-in-charge is required to control the daily food provided for detainees and prisoners and inspect at least twice a week their cells and other services provided for them.

(4) The prisoners and detainees who have infectious diseases or those who are dubious of having health problems are kept in special area separated from others in quarantine

Work and Education:

Article 28:

(1) The administrations of detention centers and prisons are required to set up well equipped libraries, pave the ground for detainees’ and prisoners’ study, worship, education, vocational training, recreational and cultural activities, and provide them with the needed facilities.
