Vélingara Department

Vélingara Department is one of the 46 departments of Senegal, one of the three making up the Kolda Region in the Upper Casamance.


The department has three communes: Vélingara (the capital town), Kounkané and Diaobé-Kabendou.

The rural districts (Communautés rurales) comprise:

  • Bonconto Arrondissement
    • Bonconto (Bonkonto)
    • Linkéring
    • Médina Gounass
    • Sinthiang Koundara
  • Pakour Arrondissement
    • Pakour
    • Paroumba
    • Ouassadou
  • Saré Coly Sallé Arrondissement, created in 2008
    • Saré Coly Sallé
    • Kandia
    • Kandiaye
    • Némataba


In the December 2002 census, the population was 189,742. In 2005, it was estimated at 206,547 people.

Historical site

  • Village of Payoungou, arrondissement of Pakour

Notable people

  • Cherif Mohamed Aly Aidara, founder of the NGO Mozdahir International Institute