Afghanistan Law The Law of Firearms, Equipment and Explosive Chapter Three

Chapter Three

Miscellaneous Provisions

Duration of the Weapon and Ammunition Registration

Article 9:

Afghan and foreign citizens who inhabited Afghanistan and possessed hunting weapons,
shotguns, non-military sport guns, antique weapons and other ammunitions before the
endorsement of this Law, shall register their weapons within three months after the
endorsement of this Law as mentioned in paragraph 1 and 2 of article 6 to obtain the permit.
Offence of Not Registering

Article 10:

A person who does not register the weapons and ammunitions mentioned in article 9 until
the imparted deadline shall pay a fine corresponding to the price of the weapon or
Where a person does not register the weapons and ammunitions mentioned in paragraph 1
of this article until the imparted deadline and is found out and arrested by a security
organization, the mentioned weapons and ammunitions will be confiscated and that person
will be liable to prosecution.
The Ministry of Interior Affairs can sell the weapons and ammunitions mentioned in
paragraph 2 according to a separate code and the amount will be transferred to the bank for
the import accounts of the government.
Illegal Keeping of Weapons and Ammunitions

Article 11:

A person who produces, imports, keeps, purchases, sells and transfers firearms,
ammunitions and explosives in contravention of article 4 of this Law, will be responsible
according to the provisions of Penal Law.
Destruction and Loss of Weapons

Article 12:

A person who receives weapons and ammunitions with a legal permit and misuses or loses
those without any justifiable reason is considered responsible according to the provisions of
Counterfeiting of Documents

Article 13:

A person who makes or transfers false documents pertaining to firearms, ammunitions and
explosives mentioned in this Law for the production, import, export, keeping, transfer and
obtaining, is considered responsible according to the provisions of Law.
Weapon Handover

Article 14:

A person who possesses firearms, ammunitions and explosives after the disarmament and
demilitarization program enters in force must hand these over to the Ministry of Interior
Affairs in the center and security commands in the provinces and districts and will receive a
Considering the provision of article 4 in this Law, the firearms, ammunitions and explosives
of armed groups are collected by a commission and sent to the centers built for this purpose,
and after registering these weapons are officially transferred to the concerned department.
A person who does not handover the weapons, ammunitions and explosives to the
concerned departments on time, will, besides confiscation, be responsible according to the
provisions of Law.

Enactment of Procedure

Article 15:

The Ministry of Interior Affairs, for better implementation of the provisions of this Law, enacts
particular procedures for registering, reporting and transferring receipts of the firearms,
ammunitions and explosives.
Enforcement of Law

Article 16:

This Law is enforced from the date of publishing, and by its enforcement, the former
provisions and those inconsistent with it are repealed.
