Section 175 of Companies Act, 2013

175. Passing of resolution by circulation (1) No resolution shall be deemed to have been duly passed by the Board or by a committee thereof by circulation, unless the resolution has been circulated in draft, together with the necessary papers, if any, to all the directors, or members of the committee, as the case may

Section 174 of Companies Act, 2013

174. Quorum for meetings of Board (1) The quorum for a meeting of the Board of Directors of a company shall be onethird of its total strength or two directors, whichever is higher, and the participation of the directors by video conferencing or by other audio visual means shall also be counted for the purposes

Section 173 of Companies Act, 2013

173. Meetings of Board (1) Every company shall hold the first meeting of the Board of Directors within thirty days of the date of its incorporation and thereafter hold a minimum number of four meetings of its Board of Directors every year in such a manner that not more than one hundred and twenty days

Section 172 of Companies Act, 2013

172. Punishment If a company contravenes any of the provisions of this Chapter and for which no specific punishment is provided therein, the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be punishable with fine which shall not be less than fifty thousand rupees but which may extend to five lakh

Section 171 of Companies Act, 2013

171. Members’ right to inspect (1) The register kept under sub-section (1) of section 170,— (a) shall be open for inspection during business hours and the members shall have a right to take extracts therefrom and copies thereof, on a request by the members, be provided to them free of cost within thirty days; and

Section 170 of Companies Act, 2013

170. Register of directors and key managerial personnel and their shareholding (1) Every company shall keep at its registered office a register containing such particulars of its directors and key managerial personnel as may be prescribed, which shall include the details of securities held by each of them in the company or its holding, subsidiary,

Section 169 of Companies Act, 2013

169. Removal of directors (1) A company may, by ordinary resolution, remove a director, not being a director appointed by the Tribunal under section 242, before the expiry of the period of his office after giving him a reasonable opportunity of being heard: Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall apply where the company

Section 167 of Companies Act, 2013

167. Vacation of office of director (1) The office of a director shall become vacant in case— (a) he incurs any of the disqualifications specified in section 164; (b) he absents himself from all the meetings of the Board of Directors held during a period of twelve months with or without seeking leave of absence