Section 155 of Companies Act, 2013

155. Prohibition to obtain more than one Director Identification Number No individual, who has already been allotted a Director Identification Number under section 154, shall apply for, obtain or possess another Director Identification Number. Complete: companies-act-2013

Section 154 of Companies Act, 2013

154. Allotment of Director Identification Number The Central Government shall, within one month from the receipt of the application under section 153, allot a Director Identification Number to an applicant in such manner as may be prescribed. Complete: companies-act-2013

Section 153 of Companies Act, 2013

153. Application for allotment of Director Identification Number Every individual intending to be appointed as director of a company shall make an application for allotment of Director Identification Number to the Central Government in such form and manner and along with such fees as may be prescribed. Complete: companies-act-2013

Section 152 of Companies Act, 2013

152. Appointment of directors (1) Where no provision is made in the articles of a company for the appointment of the first director, the subscribers to the memorandum who are individuals shall be deemed to be the first directors of the company until the directors are duly appointed and in case of a One Person

Section 151 of Companies Act, 2013

151. Appointment of director elected by small shareholders A listed company may have one director elected by such small shareholders in such manner and with such terms and conditions as may be prescribed. Explanation.—For the purposes of this section “small shareholders” means a shareholder holding shares of nominal value of not more than twenty thousand

Section 150 of Companies Act, 2013

150. Manner of selection of independent directors and maintenance of databank of independent directors (1) Subject to the provisions contained in sub-section (5) of section 149, an independent director may be selected from a data bank containing names, addresses and qualifications of persons who are eligible and willing to act as independent directors, maintained by

Section 149 of Companies Act, 2013

149. Company to have Board of Directors (1) Every company shall have a Board of Directors consisting of individuals as directors and shall have— (a) a minimum number of three directors in the case of a public company, two directors in the case of a private company, and one director in the case of a

Section 148 of Companies Act, 2013

148. Central Government to specify audit of items of cost in respect of certain companies (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Chapter, the Central Government may, by order, in respect of such class of companies engaged in the production of such goods or providing such services as may be prescribed, direct that particulars relating to

Section 147 of Companies Act, 2013

147. Punishment for contravention (1) If any of the provisions of sections 139 to 146 (both inclusive) is contravened, the company shall be punishable with fine which shall not be less than twenty-five thousand rupees but which may extend to five lakh rupees and every officer of the company who is in default shall be

Section 146 of Companies Act, 2013

146. Auditors to attend general meeting All notices of, and other communications relating to, any general meeting shall be forwarded to the auditor of the company, and the auditor shall, unless otherwise exempted by the company, attend either by himself or through his authorised representative, who shall also be qualified to be an auditor, any