Section 125 of Companies Act, 2013

125. Investor Education and Protection Fund (1) The Central Government shall establish a Fund to be called the Investor Education and Protection Fund (herein referred to as the Fund). (2) There shall be credited to the Fund— (a) the amount given by the Central Government by way of grants after due appropriation made by Parliament

Section 124 of Companies Act, 2013

124. Unpaid Dividend Account (1) Where a dividend has been declared by a company but has not been paid or claimed within thirty days from the date of the declaration to any shareholder entitled to the payment of the dividend, the company shall, within seven days from the date of expiry of the said period

Section 123 of Companies Act, 2013

123. Declaration of dividend (1) No dividend shall be declared or paid by a company for any financial year except— (a) out of the profits of the company for that year arrived at after providing for depreciation in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (2), or out of the profits of the company for any

Section 122 of Companies Act, 2013

122. Applicability of this Chapter to One Person Company (1) The provisions of section 98 and sections 100 to 111 (both inclusive) shall not apply to a One Person Company. (2) The ordinary businesses as mentioned under clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 102 which a company, other than a One Person Company, is

Section 121 of Companies Act, 2013

121. Report on annual general meeting (1) Every listed public company shall prepare in the prescribed manner a report on each annual general meeting including the confirmation to the effect that the meeting was convened, held and conducted as per the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder. (2) The company shall file

Section 120 of Companies Act, 2013

120. Maintenance and inspection of documents in electronic form Without prejudice to any other provisions of this Act, any document, record, register, minutes, etc.,— (a) required to be kept by a company; or (b) allowed to be inspected or copies to be given to any person by a company under this Act, may be kept

Section 119 of Companies Act, 2013

119. Inspection of minute-books of general meeting. (1) The books containing the minutes of the proceedings of any general meeting of a company or of a resolution passed by postal ballot, shall— (a) be kept at the registered office of the company; and (b) be open, during business hours, to the inspection by any member

Section 118 of Companies Act, 2013

118. Minutes of proceedings of general meeting, meeting of Board of Directors and other meeting and resolutions passed by postal ballot. (1) Every company shall cause minutes of the proceedings of every general meeting of any class of shareholders or creditors, and every resolution passed by postal ballot and every meeting of its Board of

Section 117 of Companies Act, 2013

117. Resolutions and agreements to be filed. (1) A copy of every resolution or any agreement, in respect of matters specified in sub-section (3) together with the explanatory statement under section 102, if any, annexed to the notice calling the meeting in which the resolution is proposed, shall be filed with the Registrar within thirty

Section 116 of Companies Act, 2013

116. Resolutions passed at adjourned meeting Where a resolution is passed at an adjourned meeting of— (a) a company; or (b) the holders of any class of shares in a company; or (c) the Board of Directors of a company, the resolution shall, for all purposes, be treated as having been passed on the date