Section 75 of Companies Act, 2013

75. Damages for fraud (1) Where a company fails to repay the deposit or part thereof or any interest thereon referred to in section 74 within the time specified in sub-section (1) of that section or such further time as may be allowed by the Tribunal under sub-section (2) of that section, and it is

Section 74 of Companies Act, 2013

74. Repayment of deposits, etc., accepted before commencement of this Act. (1) Where in respect of any deposit accepted by a company before the commencement of this Act, the amount of such deposit or part thereof or any interest due thereon remains unpaid on such commencement or becomes due at any time thereafter, the company

Section 73 of Companies Act, 2013

73. Prohibition on acceptance of deposits from public. (1) On and after the commencement of this Act, no company shall invite, accept or renew deposits under this Act from the public except in a manner provided under this Chapter: Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall apply to a banking company and nonbanking financial company

Section 72 of Companies Act, 2013

72. Power to nominate (1) Every holder of securities of a company may, at any time, nominate, in the prescribed manner, any person to whom his securities shall vest in the event of his death. (2) Where the securities of a company are held by more than one person jointly, the joint holders may together

Section 71 of Companies Act, 2013

71. Debentures (1) A company may issue debentures with an option to convert such debentures into shares, either wholly or partly at the time of redemption: Provided that the issue of debentures with an option to convert such debentures into shares, wholly or partly, shall be approved by a special resolution passed at a general

Section 70 of Companies Act, 2013

70. Prohibition for buy-back in certain circumstances. (1) No company shall directly or indirectly purchase its own shares or other specified securities— (a) through any subsidiary company including its own subsidiary companies; (b) through any investment company or group of investment companies; or (c) if a default, is made by the company, in the repayment

Section 69 of Companies Act, 2013

69. Transfer of certain sums to capital redemption reserve account (1) Where a company purchases its own shares out of free reserves or securities premium account, a sum equal to the nominal value of the shares so purchased shall be transferred to the capital redemption reserve account and details of such transfer shall be disclosed

Section 68 of Companies Act, 2013

68. Power of company to purchase its own securities (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, but subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), a company may purchase its own shares or other specified securities (hereinafter referred to as buy-back) out of— (a) its free reserves; (b) the securities premium account; or (c) the proceeds

Section 67 of Companies Act, 2013

67. Restrictions on purchase by company or giving of loans by it for purchase of its shares (1) No company limited by shares or by guarantee and having a share capital shall have power to buy its own shares unless the consequent reduction of share capital is effected under the provisions of this Act. (2)

Section 66 of Companies Act, 2013

66. Reduction of share capital (1) Subject to confirmation by the Tribunal on an application by the company, a company limited by shares or limited by guarantee and having a share capital may, by a special resolution, reduce the share capital in any manner and in particular, may— (a) extinguish or reduce the liability on