Section 10 of Companies Act, 2013

10. Effect of memorandum and articles (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the memorandum and articles shall, when registered, bind the company and the members thereof to the same extent as if they respectively had been signed by the company and by each member, and contained covenants on its and his part to

Section 9 of Companies Act, 2013

9. Effect of registration From the date of incorporation mentioned in the certificate of incorporation, such subscribers to the memorandum and all other persons, as may, from time to time, become members of the company, shall be a body corporate by the name contained in the memorandum, capable of exercising all the functions of an

Section 8 of Companies Act, 2013

A company registered under companies act 2013 or previous applicable act and has in objects to, – Sports Promote commerce, art, science, education, research, social welfare, religion, charity, protection of environment or any such other object; And intends to apply its profits, if any, or other income in promoting its objective, intends to prohibit the

Section 7 of Companies Act, 2013

Incorporation of Company 7. (1) There shall be filed with the Registrar within whose jurisdiction the registered office of a company is proposed to be situated, the following documents and information for registration, namely:— (a) the memorandum and articles of the company duly signed by all the subscribers to the memorandum in such manner as

Section 6 of Companies Act, 2013

As per Section 6 of Indian Companies Act 2013 Memorandum and Articles of a Company can override. Provision in the Indian Companies Act 2013 regarding Act to override Memorandum and Articles of Company is as under. 6. Act to override memorandum, articles, etc Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act (a) the provisions of

Section 5 of Companies Act, 2013

5. Articles (1) The articles of a company shall contain the regulations for management of the company. (2) The articles shall also contain such matters, as may be prescribed: Provided that nothing prescribed in this sub-section shall be deemed to prevent a company from including such additional matters in its articles as may be considered

Section 4 of Companies Act, 2013

4. Memorandum (1) The memorandum of a company shall state— (a) the name of the company with the last word “Limited” in the case of a public limited company, or the last words “Private Limited” in the case of a private limited company: Provided that nothing in this clause shall apply to a company registered

Section 2 of Companies Act, 2013

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,– (1) “abridged prospectus” means a memorandum containing such salient features of a prospectus as may be specified by the Securities and Exchange Board by making regulations in this behalf; (2) “accounting standards” means the standards of accounting or any addendum thereto for companies or class of companies

Section 1 of Companies Act, 2013

Short title, extent,commencement and application (1) This Act may be called the Companies Act, 2013. (2) It extends to the whole of India. (3) This section shall come into force at once and the remaining provisions of this Act shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the