Section 38 of The Indian Trusts Act, 1882

38. Power to sell under special conditions power to buy-in and re-sell.—The trustee making any such sale may insert such reasonable stipulations either as to title or evidence of title, or otherwise, in any conditions of sale or contract for sale, as he thinks fit; and may also buy-in the property or any part thereof

Section 36 of The Indian Trusts Act, 1882

36. General authority of trustee.—In addition to the powers expressly conferred by this Act and by the instrument of trust, and subject to the restrictions, if any, contained in such instrument, and to the provisions of section 17, a trustee may do all acts which are reasonable and proper for the realisation, protection or benefit

Section 35 of The Indian Trusts Act, 1882

35. Right to settlement of accounts.—When the duties of a trustee, as such, are completed, he is entitled to have the accounts of his administration of the trust property examined and settled; and, where nothing is due to the beneficiary under the trust, to an acknowledgement in writing to that effect. Complete: The Indian Trusts

Section 34 of The Indian Trusts Act, 1882

34. Right to apply to Court for opinion in management of trust property.—Any trustee may, without instituting a suit, apply by petition to a principal Civil Court of original jurisdiction for its opinion, advice or direction on any present questions respecting the management or administration of the trust property other than questions of detail, difficulty

Section 32 of The Indian Trusts Act, 1882

32. Right to re-imbursement of expenses.—Every trustee may re-imburse himself, or pay or discharge out of the trust property, all expenses properly incurred in or about the execution of the trust, or the realisation, preservation or benefit of the trust property, or the protection or support of the beneficiary. If he pays such expenses out