Constitution of Afghanistan Chapter XI Miscellaneous Provisions [Islamic Republic]

Chapter XI Miscellaneous Provisions

Article 151 [Economic Incompatibility]

(1) The President, Vice Presidents, Ministers, Head and members of the Supreme Court, Head of the Central Bank, National Security Directorate, Governors and Mayors cannot engage in any profitable business contracts with the government or individuals during their term of office.
(2) Contracts for the purpose of fulfilling personal needs are exception to this provision.

Article 152 [Official Incompatibility]

The President, Vice President, ministers, heads and members of the National Assembly, the Supreme Court, and judges, cannot undertake other jobs during their terms of office.

Article 153 [Party Incompatibility]

Judges, Attorneys, and Officers of the Armed Forces and Police, and members of the National Security, cannot be members of political parties during their terms of office.

Article 154 [Economic Transparency]

Property of the President, Vice Presidents, ministers, members of the Supreme Court and the Attorney General before and after their term of office would be registered and monitored by an organ to be set by law.

Article 155 [Salaries and Remuneration]

For the ministers, members of the National Assembly, the Supreme Court, Attorney General and judges, appropriate salaries shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of law.

Article 156 [Election and Referendum]

The Independent Electoral Commission will be established to organise and supervise any election and to hold a referendum within the country based on the provisions of the law.

Article 157 [Implementation of the Constitution]

The Independent Commission for the Supervision of the Implementation of the Constitution will be established by law. Members of this Commission will be appointed by the President.
