Constitution of Afghanistan Chapter VI Grand Council [Loya Jirga]

Chapter VI Grand Council [Loya Jirga]

Article 110 [Composition, Participation]

(1) Grand Council [Loya Jirga] is the highest manifestation of the people of Afghanistan.
(2) Grand Council [Loya Jirga] consists of the following:
— Members of the National Assembly.
— Chairpersons of the provincial, and district councils.
(3) The ministers, Chief Justice and members of the Supreme Court, can participate in the sessions of the Grand Council [Loya Jirga] without the right to vote.

Article 111 [Powers]Grand Council [Loya Jirga] is convened in the following situations:

— To take decision on the issues related to independence, national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and supreme interests of the country.
— To amend the provisions of this Constitution.
— To prosecute the President in accordance with the provisions of Article 69 of this Constitution.

Article 112 [Chairperson]

he Grand Council [Loya Jirga] in its first session elects from among its members a chairperson, a deputy-chair, and a secretary and an assistant secretary.

Article 113 [Quorum]

(1) The quorum of the Grand Council [Loya Jirga] for voting is completed by the majority of members.
(2) The decisions of the Grand Council [Loya Jirga] are taken by a majority of the present members except in cases as explicitly stated in this Constitution.

Article 114

[Publicity]Discussions of the Grand Council [Loya Jirga] are open except when one–fourth of its members demand their secrecy, and the Grand Council [Loya Jirga] accepts this demand.

Article 115

[Indemnity and Immunity]During the session of a Grand Council [Loya Jirga], the provision of Articles 101 and 102 of this Constitution are applied on its members.
