Constitution of Afghanistan Chapter VIII The Administration [Islamic Republic]

Chapter VIII The Administration

Article 136 [Principles]

(1) The Administration of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan shall be based on central and local administrative units in accordance with the law.
(2) The central administration is divided into a number of administrative units, each of which shall be headed by a minister.
(3) The local administrative unit is a province.
(4) The number, area, parts, and structures of the provinces and the related administrations are regulated by law on the basis of population, social and economic conditions, and geographic location.

Article 137 [Decentralization]

The government, while preserving the principle of centralism, shall — in accordance with the law — delegate certain authorities to local administration units for the purpose of expediting and promoting economic, social, and cultural affairs, and increasing the participation of people in the development of the nation.

Article 138 [Provincial Council]

(1) In every province a provincial council is to be formed.
(2) Members of the provincial council are elected in proportion to the population by free, direct, secret ballot, and general elections by the residents of the province for a period of four years in accordance with the law.
(3) The provincial council elects one of its members as Chairman.

Article 139 [Development Targets]

(1) The provincial council takes part in securing the developmental targets of the state and improving its affairs in a way stated in the law, and gives advice on important issues falling within the domain of the province.
(2) Provincial councils perform their duties in cooperation with the provincial administration.

Article 140 [District and Village Councils]

(1) In order to organize activities involving people and provide them with the opportunity to actively participate in the local administration, councils are set up in districts and villages in accordance with the provisions of the law.
(2) Members of these councils are elected by the local people through, free, general, secret and direct elections for a period of three years.
(3) The participation of nomads in these councils is regulated by law.

Article 141 [Municipalities]

(1) Municipalities shall be set up in order to administer city affairs.
(2) The mayor and members of the municipal councils are elected by free, general, secret, and direct elections.
(3) The affairs related to municipalities are regulated by law.

Article 142 [Administrative Departments]

For the purpose of the implementation of the provisions, and ensuring the values of this constitution, the state shall establish the required departments.
