Law on the Elimination of Violence Against Women of Afghanistan Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Preventive and Protective Measures

Obligation of the Ministry of Women Affairs

Article 8

In order to prevent the violence, the Ministry of Women Affairs in cooperation with
other Ministries, governmental and non governmental agencies and relevant
organizations shall adopt the following preventive and protective measures:
1. Coordinating the activities of the governmental and non governmental agencies
and organizations provide services regarding the prevention of violence;
2. To improve awareness of men and women regarding their legal and religious
rights and obligations;
3. Providing protection for the victims of violence in protection centers (shelter), or
if protection center is not available, other safe places, as well as monitoring and
evaluating them;
4. To conduct seminars, workshops, conferences and other training programs for
the staff of governmental and non governmental institutions, organizations and
local residents in order to increase public awareness, identification of violence
cases and their consequences, and find solutions;
5. To explain factors of violence and their consequences based on provisions of
Sharia and Law through relevant publications;
6. To make sure the implementation of training programs and capacity of non
governmental institutions and relevant organizations.
Obligations of Ministry of Religious Affairs

Article 9

In order to prevent the violence, the Ministry of Religious Affairs shall adopt the
following preventive measures:
1. Developing regular programs for the presentation of preaches and orations
regarding Islamic rights and obligations of men and women by Mullahs,
preachers and orators in Mosques and other religious places and making sure of
its implementation.
2. Conducting seminars, workshops and conferences for Mullahs, Preachers and

3. Explaining and describing the factors of violence and their consequences based
on the provisions of the Islamic Sharia and law through the relevant publications.
Obligations of the Ministries of Education and Higher Education

Article 10

In order to prevent the violence, the Ministries of Education and Higher Education shall
adopt the following preventive measures:
1. To include issues pertaining to violence and its consequences and the ways of its
prevention in the related educational curriculum.
2. To conduct seminars, workshops and conferences for the relevant students and
3. To take appropriate measures for the purpose of prohibiting occurrence of
violence in the relevant academic areas.
4. To explain and describe the factors of violence and their consequences based on
the provisions of the Islamic Sharia and law through the relevant publications.
Obligations of Ministry of Information and Culture

Article 11

In order to prevent violence, the Ministry of Information and Culture shall adopt the
following preventive measures:
1. To arrange and broadcast radio and television programs about factors of
violence and its consequences and to publish the relevant matters in the
newspapers, gazettes and magazines.
2. To facilitate publication and broadcasting of issues related to prohibition of
violence by the ministries, governmental institutions and other real and legal
persons through their media.
3. To prohibit broadcasting of programs promoting violence through mass media.
Obligations of Ministry of Justice

Article 12

In order to prevent violence, the Ministry of Justice shall adopt the following preventive
1. To increase the awareness level of men and women of their legal and Sharia
rights and obligations.
2. To facilitate explanation and description of matters pertaining to the factors of
violence and its consequences for men and women under detention and custody
or imprisoned by the relevant authorities and other relevant social organizations.
3. To conduct seminars and workshops for the awareness of Hoquq and Legal Aid
Departments staff regarding the provisions of this law and facilitating its better
4. To assign a legal aid provider if requested by the victim of violence.
Obligation of the Ministry of Interior Affairs

Article 13

In order to prevent the violence, the Ministry of Interior Affairs shall adopt and exercise
special preventive and protective measures in all public locations and places.
Obligation of the Ministry of Public Health

Article 14

The Ministry of Public Health shall promptly provide free and urgent treatment services
to the victims of violence in the health centers and report accordingly to the Ministry of
Women Affairs.
Elimination of Violence against Women (EVAW) High Commission

Article 15

For the purpose of effectively combating violence and establishing coordination among
the governmental, non governmental institutions and relevant organizations, the EVAW
high commission shall be established under the presidency of the Minister of Women
Affairs in the following structure:
1. Deputy of the Attorney General Office.
2. Deputy of the Ministry of Interior.
3. Deputy of the Ministry of Justice.
4. Deputy of the Ministry of Public Health.
5. Deputy of the Ministry of Information and Culture
6. Deputy of the Ministry of Education.
7. Deputy of the Ministry of Higher Education.
8. Deputy of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled.
9. Deputy of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
10. Member of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission.
11. Head of Kabul Specialized Family Court.
12. Head of Afghanistan Independent Bar of Association.
Duties and Responsibilities of the EVAW Commission

Article 16

(1) The EVAW commission shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
1. Study and evaluate factors of violence in the country and adopt appropriate
preventive measures in this regard;
2. Arranging public awareness programs for the purpose of prohibiting commission
of violence;
3. Coordinating the activities of the relevant governmental and non governmental
agencies on combating violence;
4. Collecting statistics and figures of violence related crimes;
5. Providing suggestions on amendments to this law;
6. Suggesting adoption of regulations and relevant rules and procedures for the
purpose of better implementation of this law;
7. Asking for information on violence cases from Police, Prosecutor’s office and
8. Preparing annual report of its activity and submitting it to the Council of
Ministers; and
9. Other duties given by the government.

(2) The activities of the commission will be regularized by a separate job description
which will be approved by the commission.
