Linguère Department

Linguère Department is one of the 45 departments of Senegal, one of the three making up the Louga Region. Its capital is Linguère, and it encompasses an area of 15,375 km2 (5,936 sq mi).

The four arrondissements of Linguère Department.

There are three urban communes in the department; Dahra, Linguère and Mbeuleukhé

The rural districts (communautés rurales) comprise:

  • Barkedji Arrondissement:
    • Barkédji
    • Gassane
    • Thiarny
    • Thiel
  • Dodji Arrondissement:
    • Dodji
    • Labgar
    • Ouarkhokh
  • Sagatta Djolof Arrondissement:
    • Boulal
    • Dealy
    • Thiamène Pass
    • Sagatta Djolof
    • Affé Djoloff
  • Yang-Yang Arrondissement:
    • Kamb
    • Mboula
    • Téssékéré Forage
    • Yang-Yang


As of the December 2002 census, the population was 194,890 inhabitants. In 2005, it was estimated to be 214,883. By 2013 it had grown to 241,898.

Historic sites

  • Fortification of Alboury Ndiaye at Yang-Yang
  • The Ruins of the Faidherbe Military Post
  • The Royal Residence of Yang-Yang
  • The Stele commemorating the mosque of the Tata at Yang-Yang
  • The Stele commemorating the Guillé battlefield at Mbeuleukhé