Section 15 of The Indian Trusts Act, 1882

15. Care required from trustee.—A trustee is bound to deal with the trust property as carefully as a man of ordinary prudence would deal with such property if it were his own; and, in the absence of a contract to the contrary, a trustee so dealing is not responsible for the loss, destruction, or deterioration of the trust property. Illustrations

(a) A, living in Calcutta, is a trustee for B, living in Bombay. A remits trust-funds to B by bills drawn by a person of undoubted credit in favour of the trustee as such, and payable at Bombay. The bills are dishonoured. A is not bound to make good the loss.
(b) A, trustee of lease-hold property, directs the tenant to pay the rents on account of the trust to a banker, B, then in credit. The rents are accordingly paid to B, and A leaves the money with B only till wanted. Before the money is drawn out, B becomes insolvent. A, having had no reason to believe that B was in insolvent circumstances, is not bound to make good the loss.
(c) A, a trustee of two debts for B, releases one, and compounds the other, in good faith, and reasonably believing that it is for B’s interest to do so. A is not bound to make good any loss caused thereby to B.
(d) A, a trustee directed to sell the trust property by auction, sells the same, but does not advertise the sale and otherwise fails in reasonable diligence in inviting competition. A is bound to make good the loss caused thereby to the beneficiary.
(e) A, a trustee for B, in execution of his trust, sells the trust property, but from want of due diligence on his part, fails to receive part of the purchase-money. A is bound to make good the loss thereby caused to B.
(f) A, a trustee for B of a policy of insurance, has funds in hand for payment of the premiums. A neglects to pay the premiums and the policy is consequently forfeited. A is bound to make good the loss to B.
(g) A bequeaths certain money to B and C as trustees, and authorizes them to continue trust moneys upon the personal security of certain firm in which A had himself invested them. A dies, and a change takes place in the firm. B and C must not permit the moneys to remain upon the personal security of the new firm.
(h) A, a trustee for B, allows the trust to be executed solely by his co-trustee C. C misapplies the trust property. A is personally answerable for the loss resulting to B.

Complete: The Indian Trusts Act, 1882