Section 165 The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973

Section 165 in The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973
165. Search by police officer.

(1) Whenever an officer in charge of a police station or a police officer making an investigation has reasonable grounds for believing that anything necessary for the purposes of an investigation into any offense which he is authorized to investigate may be found in any place with the limits of the police station of which he is in charge, or to which he

is attached, and that such thing cannot in his opinion be otherwise obtained without undue delay, such officer may, after recording in writing the grounds of his belief and specifying in such writing, so far as possible, the thing for which search is to be made, search, or cause the search to be made, for such thing in any place within the limits of such station.
(2) A police officer proceeding under sub-section (1), shall if practicable, conduct the search in person.
(3) If he is unable to conduct the search in person, and there is no other person competent to make the search present at the time, he may, after recording in writing his reasons for so doing, require any officer subordinate to him to make the search, and he shall deliver to such subordinate officer an order in writing, specifying the place to be searched, and so far as possible, the thing for which search is to be made; and such subordinate officer may thereupon search for such thing in such place.
(4) The provisions of this Code as to search- warrants and the general provisions as to searches contained in section 100 shall, so far as may be, apply to a search made under this section.
(5) Copies of any record made under sub-section (1) or sub-section (3) shall forthwith be sent to the nearest Magistrate empowered to take cognizance of the offense, and the owner or occupier of the place searched shall, on the application, be furnished, free of cost, with a copy of the same by the Magistrate

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