Section 262 of Companies Act, 2013

262. Sanction of scheme

(1) The scheme prepared by the company administrator under section 261 shall

be placed before the creditors of the sick company in a meeting convened for their approval

by the company administrator within the period of sixty days from his appointment, which

may be extended by the Tribunal up to a period not exceeding one hundred twenty days.

(2) The company administrator shall convene separate meetings of secured and

unsecured creditors of the sick company and if the scheme is approved by the unsecured

creditors representing one-fourth in value of the amount owed by the company to such

creditors and the secured creditors, representing three-fourths in value of the amount

outstanding against financial assistance disbursed by such creditors to the sick company,

the company administrator shall submit the scheme before the Tribunal for sanctioning the


Provided that where the scheme relates to amalgamation of the sick company with any

other company, such scheme shall, in addition to the approval of the creditors of the sick

company under this sub-section, be laid before the general meeting of both the companies

for approval by their respective shareholders and no such scheme shall be proceeded with

unless it has been approved, with or without modification, by a special resolution passed by

the shareholders of that company.

(3)      (i) The scheme prepared by the company administrator shall be examined by the

Tribunal and a copy of the scheme with modification, if any, made by the Tribunal shall be

sent, in draft, to the sick company and the company administrator and in the case of

amalgamation, also to any other company concerned, and the Tribunal may publish or cause

to be published the draft scheme in brief in such daily newspapers as the Tribunal may

consider necessary, for suggestions and objections, if any, within such period as the Tribunal

may specify.

(ii) The complete draft scheme shall be kept at the place where registered office of the

company is situated or at such places as mentioned in the advertisement.

(iii) The Tribunal may make such modifications, if any, in the draft scheme as it may

consider necessary in the light of the suggestions and objections received from the sick

company and the company administrator and also from the transferee company and any

other company concerned in the amalgamation and from any shareholder or any creditors or

employees of such companies.

(4) On the receipt of the scheme under sub-section (3), the Tribunal shall within sixty

days therefrom, after satisfying that the scheme had been validly approved in accordance

with this section, pass an order sanctioning such scheme.

(5) Where a sanctioned scheme provides for the transfer of any property or liability of

the sick company to any other company or person or where such scheme provides for the

transfer of any property or liability of any other company or person in favour of the sick

company, then, by virtue of, and to the extent provided in, the scheme, on and from the date

of coming into operation of the sanctioned scheme or any provision thereof, the property

shall be transferred to, and vest in, and the liability shall become the liability of, such other

company or person or, as the case may be, the sick company.

(6) The Tribunal may review any sanctioned scheme and make such modifications, as

it may deem fit, or may by order in writing direct company administrator, to prepare a fresh

scheme providing for such measures as the company administrator may consider necessary.

(7) The sanction accorded by the Tribunal under sub-section (4) shall be conclusive

evidence that all the requirements of the scheme relating to the reconstruction or amalgamation

or any other measure specified therein have been complied with and a copy of the sanctioned

scheme certified in writing by an officer of the Tribunal to be a true copy thereof shall in all

legal proceedings be admitted as evidence.

(8) A copy of the sanctioned scheme referred to in sub-section (4) shall be filed with

the Registrar by the sick company within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of a

copy thereof.

Complete: companies-act-2013