Section 287 of Companies Act, 2013

287. Advisory committee

(1) The Tribunal may, while passing an order of winding up of a company, direct

that there shall be, an advisory committee to advise the Company Liquidator and to report to

the Tribunal on such matters as the Tribunal may direct.

(2) The advisory committee appointed by the Tribunal shall consist of not more than

twelve members, being creditors and contributories of the company or such other persons in

such proportion as the Tribunal may, keeping in view the circumstances of the company

under liquidation, direct.

(3) The Company Liquidator shall convene a meeting of creditors and contributories,

as ascertained from the books and documents, of the company within thirty days from the

date of order of winding up for enabling the Tribunal to determine the persons who may be

members of the advisory committee.

(4) The advisory committee shall have the right to inspect the books of account and

other documents, assets and properties of the company under liquidation at a reasonable


(5) The provisions relating to the convening of the meetings, the procedure to be

followed thereat and other matters relating to conduct of business by the advisory committee

shall be such as may be prescribed.

(6) The meeting of advisory committee shall be chaired by the Company Liquidator.

Complete: companies-act-2013