Section 289 of Companies Act, 2013

289. Power of Tribunal on application for stay of winding up

(1) The Tribunal may, at any time after making a winding up order, on an application

of promoter, shareholders or creditors or any other interested person, if satisfied, make an

order that it is just and fair that an opportunity to revive and rehabilitate the company be

provided staying the proceedings for such time but not exceeding one hundred and eighty

days and on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit:

Provided that an order under this sub-section shall be made by the Tribunal only when

the application is accompanied with a scheme for rehabilitation.

(2) The Tribunal may, while passing the order under sub-section (1), require the applicant

to furnish such security as to costs as it considers fit.

(3) Where an order under sub-section (1) is passed by the Tribunal, the provisions of

Chapter XIX shall be followed in respect of the consideration and sanction of the scheme of

revival of the company.

(4) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-section (1), the Tribunal may at any

time after making a winding up order, on an application of the Company Liquidator, make

an order staying the winding up proceedings or any part thereof, for such time and on such

terms and conditions as it thinks fit.

(5) The Tribunal may, before making an order, under this section, require the Company

Liquidator to furnish to it a report with respect to any facts or matters which are in his opinion

relevant to the application.

(6) A copy of every order made under this section shall forthwith be forwarded by the

Company Liquidator to the Registrar who shall make an endorsement of the order in his

books and records relating to the company.

Complete: companies-act-2013