Section 94 of Companies Act, 2013

94. Place of keeping and inspection of registers, returns, etc

(1) The registers required to be kept and maintained by a company under section

88 and copies of the annual return filed under section 92 shall be kept at the registered office

of the company:

Provided that such registers or copies of return may also be kept at any other place in

India in which more than one-tenth of the total number of members entered in the register of

members reside, if approved by a special resolution passed at a general meeting of the

company and the Registrar has been given a copy of the proposed special resolution in


Provided further that the period for which the registers, returns and records are required

to be kept shall be such as may be prescribed.

(2) The registers and their indices, except when they are closed under the provisions

of this Act, and the copies of all the returns shall be open for inspection by any member,

debenture-holder, other security holder or beneficial owner, during business hours without

payment of any fees and by any other person on payment of such fees as may be prescribed.

(3) Any such member, debenture-holder, other security holder or beneficial owner or

any other person may—

(a) take extracts from any register, or index or return without payment of any fee; or

(b) require a copy of any such register or entries therein or return on payment of

such fees as may be prescribed.

(4) If any inspection or the making of any extract or copy required under this section is

refused, the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be liable, for

each such default, to a penalty of one thousand rupees for every day subject to a maximum

of one lakh rupees during which the refusal or default continues.

(5) The Central Government may also, by order, direct an immediate inspection of the

document, or direct that the extract required shall forthwith be allowed to be taken by the

person requiring it.

Complete: companies-act-2013