Home Secretary

The home secretary, officially the secretary of state for the Home Department, is a secretary of state in the Government of the United Kingdom, with overall responsibility for all Home Office business. The incumbent is a member of the Cabinet of the United Kingdom, fourth in the ministerial ranking.

The position was created in 1782, though its responsibilities have changed many times. Past office holders have included the Prime Ministers Lord North, Robert Peel, the Duke of Wellington, Lord Palmerston, Winston Churchill, James Callaghan, and Theresa May. In 2007, Jacqui Smith became the first female home secretary.

The office holder works alongside the other Home Office ministers. The corresponding shadow minister is the Shadow Home Secretary.

The incumbent is Priti Patel, who was appointed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson in July 2019.


The Home Secretary has overall responsibility for all Home Office business, including oversight of MI5. They have been referred to as the UK interior minister.


The title Secretary of State in the government of England dates back to the early 17th century. The position of Secretary of State for the Home Department was created in the British governmental reorganisation of 1782, in which the Northern and Southern Departments became the Foreign Office and Home Office respectively.

In 2007, the new Ministry of Justice took on the criminal justice functions of the Home Office and its agencies.

List of home secretaries

Secretary of State for the Home Department
Portrait Name
Term of office Party Ministry Monarch
William Petty, 2nd Earl of Shelburne by JL Mosnier crop.jpg The Right Honourable
William Petty
2nd Earl of Shelburne
27 March 1782 10 July 1782 Whig Rockingham II George III
Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (1801-1816).svg
Viscount Sydney by Gilbert Stuart.jpg The Right Honourable
Thomas Townsend
MP for Whitchurch
10 July 1782 2 April 1783 Whig Shelburne
Nathaniel Dance Lord North cropped cropped.jpg The Right Honourable
Frederick North
Lord North
MP for Banbury
2 April 1783 19 December 1783 Tory Fox–North
1stMarquessOfBuckingham.jpg The Right Honourable
George Nugent-Temple-Grenville
3rd Earl Temple
19 December 1783 23 December 1783 Tory Pitt I
Viscount Sydney by Gilbert Stuart.jpg The Right Honourable
Thomas Townsend
1st Baron Sydney
23 December 1783 5 June 1789 Whig
1st Baron Grenville-cropped.jpg The Right Honourable
William Grenville
1st Baron Grenville
PCPC (Ire)
MP for Buckinghamshire
5 June 1789 8 June 1791 Tory
1stViscountMelville2.jpg The Right Honourable
Henry Dundas
MP for Edinburgh
8 June 1791 11 July 1794 Tory
3rd Duke of Portland 1804 cropped.jpg His Grace
William Cavendish-Bentinck
3rd Duke of Portland
11 July 1794 30 July 1801 Tory
2ndEarlOfChichester.jpg The Right Honourable
Thomas Pelham
4th Baron Pelham of Stanmer
30 July 1801 17 August 1803 Whig
CP Yorke by George Romney.jpg The Right Honourable
Charles Philip Yorke
MP for Cambridgeshire
17 August 1803 12 May 1804 Tory
Earl jenkinson.jpg The Right Honourable
Robert Jenkinson
2nd Baron Hawkesbury
12 May 1804 5 February 1806 Tory Pitt II
George Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer.jpg The Right Honourable
George Spencer
2nd Earl Spencer
5 February 1806 25 March 1807 Whig All the Talents
Earl jenkinson.jpg The Right Honourable
Robert Jenkinson
2nd Earl of Liverpool
25 March 1807 1 November 1809 Tory Portland II
No image.svg The Right Honourable
Richard Ryder
MP for Tiverton
1 November 1809 8 June 1812 Tory Perceval
Henry Addington by Beechey.jpg The Right Honourable
Henry Addington
1st Viscount Sidmouth
11 June 1812 17 January 1822 Tory Liverpool
George IV
Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (1816-1837).svg
Robert Peel by RR Scanlan detail.jpg The Right Honourable
Robert Peel
MP for Oxford University
17 January 1822 10 April 1827 Tory
No image.svg The Right Honourable
William Sturges Bourne
MP for Ashburton
30 April 1827 16 July 1827 Tory Canning
Lord Henry Petty.jpg The Most Honourable
Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice
3rd Marquess of Lansdowne
16 July 1827 22 January 1828 Whig
Robert Peel by RR Scanlan detail.jpg The Right Honourable
Sir Robert Peel
MP for 3 constituencies respectively
26 January 1828 22 November 1830 Tory Wellington–Peel
William IV
Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (1816-1837).svg
William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne, painted by John Partridge.jpg The Right Honourable
William Lamb
2nd Viscount Melbourne
22 November 1830 16 July 1834 Whig Grey
Bessborough4.JPG The Right Honourable
John Ponsonby
1st Baron Duncannon
19 July 1834 15 November 1834 Whig Melbourne I
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington by John Jackson cropped.jpg Field MarshalHis Grace
Arthur Wellesley
1st Duke of Wellington
15 November 1834 15 December 1834 Tory Wellington Caretaker
HenryGoulburn.jpg The Right Honourable
Henry Goulburn
MP for Cambridge University
15 December 1834 18 April 1835 Conservative Peel I
Lord john russell.jpg The Right Honourable
Lord John Russell
MP for Stroud
18 April 1835 30 August 1839 Whig Melbourne II
Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (1837-1952).svg
Constantine Henry Phipps, 1st Marquess of Normanby by John Jackson.jpg The Most Honourable
Constantine Phipps
1st Marquess of Normanby
30 August 1839 30 August 1841 Whig
Sir James Graham 2nd Bart First Lord Admiralty.jpg The Right Honourable
Sir James Graham
MP for Dorchester
6 September 1841 30 June 1846 Conservative Peel II
Sir George Grey, 2nd Bt.jpg The Right Honourable
Sir George Grey

MP for Devonport →
North Northumberland


8 July 1846 23 February 1852 Whig Russell I
Spencer Horatio Walpole.JPG The Right Honourable
Spencer Horatio Walpole
MP for Midhurst
27 February 1852 19 December 1852 Conservative Who? Who?
Lord Palmerston 1855.jpg The Right Honourable
Henry John Temple
3rd Viscount Palmerston
MP for Tiverton
28 December 1852 6 February 1855 Whig Aberdeen
Sir George Grey, 2nd Bt.jpg The Right Honourable
Sir George Grey
MP for Morpeth
8 February 1855 26 February 1858 Whig Palmerston I
Spencer Horatio Walpole.JPG The Right Honourable
Spencer Horatio Walpole
MP for Cambridge University
26 February 1858 3 March 1859 Conservative Derby–Disraeli II
Thomas Henry Sutton Sotheron Estcourt Grant.jpg The Right Honourable
Thomas Henry Sutton Sotheron-Estcourt
MP for North Wiltshire
3 March 1859 18 June 1859 Conservative
Sir George Cornewall Lewis, 2nd Bt.jpg The Right Honourable
Sir George Cornewall Lewis
MP for Radnor
18 June 1859 25 July 1861 Liberal Palmerston II
Sir George Grey, 2nd Bt.jpg The Right Honourable
Sir George Grey
MP for Morpeth
25 July 1861 28 June 1866 Liberal
Russell II
Spencer Horatio Walpole.JPG The Right Honourable
Spencer Horatio Walpole
MP for Cambridge University
6 July 1866 17 May 1867 Conservative Derby–Disraeli III
1st Earl of Cranbrook.jpg The Right Honourable
Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy
MP for Oxford University
17 May 1867 3 December 1868 Conservative
Henry Bruce, 1st Baron Aberdare NPG.jpg The Right Honourable
Henry Bruce

MP for Merthyr Tydfil →


9 December 1868 9 August 1873 Liberal Gladstone I
Robert Lowe, 1st Viscount Sherbrooke by George Frederic Watts.jpg The Right Honourable
Robert Lowe
MP for London University
9 August 1873 20 February 1874 Liberal
Portrait of Richard Assheton Cross, 1st Viscount Cross.jpg The Right Honourable
R. A. Cross
MP for South West Lancashire
21 February 1874 23 April 1880 Conservative Disraeli II
Sir William Harcourt.jpg The Right Honourable
Sir William Harcourt
MP for Derby
28 April 1880 23 June 1885 Liberal Gladstone II
Portrait of Richard Assheton Cross, 1st Viscount Cross.jpg The Right Honourable
R. A. Cross
MP for Newton
24 June 1885 1 February 1886 Conservative Salisbury I
Hugh Childers, Lock & Whitfield woodburytype, 1876-83 crop.jpg The Right Honourable
Hugh Childers
MP for Edinburgh South
6 February 1886 25 July 1886 Liberal Gladstone III
Henrymatthews.jpg The Right Honourable
Henry Matthews
MP for Birmingham East
3 August 1886 15 August 1892 Conservative Salisbury II
Portrait of Herbert Henry Asquith, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith.jpg The Right Honourable
H. H. Asquith
MP for East Fife
18 August 1892 25 June 1895 Liberal Gladstone IV
Matthew White Ridley sketch.jpg The Right Honourable
Sir Matthew White Ridley
MP for Blackpool
29 June 1895 12 November 1900 Conservative Salisbury
(III & IV)
Charles Thomson Ritchie headshot.jpg The Right Honourable
Charles Ritchie
MP for Croydon
12 November 1900 11 August 1902 Conservative
Edward VII
Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (1837-1952).svg
Aretas Akers-Douglas, 1st Viscount Chilston.png The Right Honourable
Aretas Akers-Douglas
MP for St Augustine’s
11 August 1902 5 December 1905 Conservative
Viscount Gladstone.jpg The Right Honourable
Herbert Gladstone
MP for Leeds West
11 December 1905 19 February 1910 Liberal Campbell-Bannerman
Sir Winston Churchill - 19086236948.jpg The Right Honourable
Winston Churchill
MP for Dundee
19 February 1910 24 October 1911 Liberal
George V
Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (1837-1952).svg
Reginald McKenna photo.jpg The Right Honourable
Reginald McKenna
MP for North Monmouthshire
24 October 1911 27 May 1915 Liberal
Viscount Simon.jpg The Right Honourable
Sir John Simon
MP for Walthamstow
27 May 1915 12 January 1916 Liberal Asquith Coalition
(Lib.–Con.–et al.)
Herbert Samuel.jpg The Right Honourable
Herbert Samuel
MP for Cleveland
12 January 1916 7 December 1916 Liberal
George Cave, 1st Viscount Cave in 1915.jpg The Right Honourable
George Cave
1st Viscount Cave
MP for Kingston
11 December 1916 14 January 1919 Conservative Lloyd George
(I & II)
Edward Shortt.jpg The Right Honourable
Edward Shortt
MP for Newcastle upon Tyne West
14 January 1919 23 October 1922 Liberal
William Bridgeman, 1st Viscount Bridgeman.png The Right Honourable
William Bridgeman
MP for Oswestry
25 October 1922 22 January 1924 Conservative Law
Baldwin I
1910 Arthur Henderson.jpg The Right Honourable
Arthur Henderson
MP for Burnley
23 January 1924 4 November 1924 Labour MacDonald I
1st Viscount Brentford 1923.jpg The Right Honourable
Sir William Joynson-Hicks
MP for Twickenham
7 November 1924 5 June 1929 Conservative Baldwin II
J.R. Clynes LCCN2014717260 (cropped).jpg The Right Honourable
John Robert Clynes
MP for Manchester Platting
8 June 1929 26 August 1931 Labour MacDonald II
Herbert Samuel.jpg The Right Honourable
Herbert Samuel